(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :
* Cliquer pour une clé simplifiée des joncs des Cévennes
lisses [20-30 stries fines, plus évidents sur le sec], faciles à rompre, à moelle continue, rarement creuses
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Lieux humides, dans toute la France et en Corse.
Répartition hors de France : Europe ; Asie ; Afrique et Amérique boréales ; Australie.
(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date
* Click for simplified key to the rushes of the Cévennes
Flower spray appears below stem tip ('bract' above, which is a stem-like leaf)
A rather stiff perennial with many, densely tufted, terete, leafless, bright green stems 23-60 cm high, growing from short, horizontal, matted rhizomes. Stems rather stout, erect, with 20-30 fine or scarcely marked striae and a continuous pith. [Stace: stems smooth and glossy when fresh, but when dry finely ridged with >35 ridges. main bract scarcely opening out at base, not hingeing backwards at end of season]
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) It occurs in wet pastures, bogs and damp woods, especially on acid soils, and it is abundant throughout the British Isles.
Distribution outside France: ?
Fleurs : verdâtres, en panicule latérale rameuse, plus ou moins lâche et diffuse, placée au-dessus du tiers supérieur de la tige ; périanthe à divisions lancéolées très aiguës 3 étamines, à anthères égalant le filet
Floraison France : Juin-septembre
Flowers: 4 mm diam., forming either an open but rather dense, long-stalked panicle or a dense, short-stalked one of many flowers; longer bract with rather tight sheathing base, one-quarter to one-fifth the length of stem; perianth segments green, equal, lanceolate, acuminate; stamens 3 or 6; style shorter than ovary.
Flowering UK: Late June-early Aug